Expert Mitigation Specialist,
Dr. April Gould
Dr. April Gould is a mitigation specialist with a decade of experience conducting in-depth life history interviews.
Dr. Gould has a Ph.D. in criminology and medical sociology from the University of California, Riverside, an M.A. in criminology
and medical sociology from the University of California, Riverside, and an M.P.H. in health policy, law, and ethics from the University of Virginia. Dr. Gould began her forensic career under the training of Dr. Janet I. Warren, at the Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy in which she collaborated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Populations Dr. Gould has interviewed:
victims and perpetrators of domestic violence
victims and perpetrators of child sexual abuse
victims and perpetrators of sexual assault
victims and perpetrators of hate crimes
alleged and convicted terrorists
alleged and convicted gang members
convicted drug traffickers and AB109 parolees
convicted murderers​
Dr. Gould is a subject matter expert on domestic violence, bias-motivated violence (hate crimes), and terrorism. She also works as an expert witness with Park Dietz and Associates.
For more information about Dr. Gould's mitigation specialist services, including pricing and availability, please email her directly at or call
(951) 533-0440.